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Betty Muwanguzi nebazanga yesu: Ugandan Music Download in High Quality

How to Download Nebazanga Yesu by Betty Muwanguzi

If you are looking for a powerful and uplifting gospel song that will inspire your faith and worship, you should check out Nebazanga Yesu by Betty Muwanguzi. This song is a beautiful expression of gratitude and praise to Jesus, who never forsakes his children. In this article, you will learn more about Betty Muwanguzi, the meaning and lyrics of Nebazanga Yesu, and how to download this song easily and safely.


Nebazanga Yesu is a Luganda phrase that means I will not forget Jesus. It is the title of a popular gospel song by Betty Muwanguzi, a legendary Ugandan gospel singer, songwriter, and worship leader. She has been in the music industry for over two decades, releasing several albums and singles that have touched millions of lives. She is known for her powerful vocals, her unique blend of traditional and contemporary styles, and her deep devotion to God.

download nebazanga yesu by betty muwanguzi

Listening to Nebazanga Yesu will fill your heart with joy and gratitude for all that Jesus has done for you. It will also remind you of his faithfulness, his love, and his presence in your life. Whether you are going through a difficult time or celebrating a victory, this song will lift your spirit and draw you closer to God.

About Betty Muwanguzi

Betty Muwanguzi was born in Uganda in 1976. She grew up in a Christian family and started singing at a young age. She joined the church choir and later formed a group called The Victors with her siblings. She released her first album, Tunakuwa Ki Ffe, in 2000, which was a huge success. Since then, she has released several other albums, such as Hosanna Nkwagala Nyo, Webale Kuba Nange, Asigala Mukama, and Nebazanga Yesu. She has also collaborated with other gospel artists, such as Pastor Wilson Bugembe, Judith Babirye, Pr. Wilson Bugembe, among others.

Betty Muwanguzi is not only a talented musician but also a devoted wife, mother, and mentor. She is married to Pastor David Muwanguzi, who is also her manager. They have four children together. She also runs a ministry called Betty Muwanguzi Ministries, which aims to spread the gospel through music, preaching, teaching, counseling, charity work, and mentorship. She has traveled to many countries, such as Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, South Africa, UK, USA, Canada, among others, to minister to different audiences.

About Nebazanga Yesu

Nebazanga Yesu is one of Betty Muwanguzi's most popular songs. It was released in 2010 as part of her album with the same name. The song is a testimony of how God has been faithful and good to her throughout her life. She sings about how she will never forget what Jesus has done for her, how he saved her from sin and death, how he healed her from sicknesses and diseases, how he delivered her from enemies and troubles, how he blessed her with favor and grace, how he gave her peace and joy, how he protected her from dangers and accidents, and how he fulfilled his promises and plans for her. She also encourages the listeners to join her in praising and thanking God for his goodness and mercy.

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The song is sung in Luganda, which is one of the major languages spoken in Uganda. It has a catchy melody and a lively rhythm that will make you want to dance and sing along. The song also has a powerful message that will inspire your faith and hope in God. Here are the lyrics and the translation of the song:



Nebazanga Yesu

Nebazanga Yesu

Nebazanga Yesu

Nebazanga Yesu

I will not forget Jesus

I will not forget Jesus

I will not forget Jesus

I will not forget Jesus

Yansiza okuva mu kibi

Yansiza okuva mu kufa

Yansiza okuva mu kuswala

Nebazanga Yesu

He saved me from sin

He saved me from death

He saved me from sickness

I will not forget Jesus

Yansiza okuva mu bwenkanya

Yansiza okuva mu bibi byonna

Yansiza okuva mu bubi byonna

Nebazanga Yesu

He delivered me from enemies

He delivered me from all evil

He delivered me from all trouble

I will not forget Jesus

Yandabirira omukisa n'ekisa

Yandabirira obulungi n'okwagala

Yandabirira emirembe n'essanyu

Nebazanga Yesu

He bestowed me with favor and grace

He bestowed me with goodness and love

He bestowed me with peace and joy

I will not forget Jesus

Yantuma ebyo bye yantumye byonna

Yantuma ebyo bye yantumye byonna Yantuma ebyo bye yantumye byonna Nebazanga Yesu

He accomplished all that he sent me to do He accomplished all that he sent me to do He accomplished all that he sent me to do I will not forget Jesus

Tugende tukyuse Mukama waffe Tugende tukyuse Mukama waffe Tugende tukyuse Mukama waffe Nebazanga Yesu

Let us go and praise our Lord Let us go and praise our Lord Let us go and praise our Lord I will not forget Jesus

How to Download Nebazanga Yesu

If you want to download Nebazanga Yesu by Betty Muwanguzi, you have several options to choose from. You can download it from various platforms and sources, such as YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, SoundCloud, among others. However, you need to be careful and avoid downloading from unauthorized or illegal sites that may harm your device or violate the artist's rights. Here are some steps and tips to download Nebazanga Yesu easily and safely:

  • Choose a platform or source that you trust and prefer. For example, if you have a YouTube account, you can use YouTube to download the song. If you have a Spotify account, you can use Spotify to download the song.

  • Search for the song on the platform or source. For example, if you are using YouTube, you can type "Nebazanga Yesu by Betty Muwanguzi" in the search bar and click enter.

  • Select the song from the results and click on it. For example, if you are using YouTube, you can click on the video that has the song title and the artist's name.

  • Download the song using the available options. For example, if you are using YouTube, you can click on the three dots icon at the top right corner of the video and select "Download". If you are using Spotify, you can click on the three dots icon at the top right corner of the song and select "Download". You may need to have a premium account or subscription to download some songs.

  • Enjoy listening to the song offline or online on your device or computer. You can also share the song with your friends and family and let them know how much you love it.


Nebazanga Yesu by Betty Muwanguzi is a wonderful gospel song that will bless your soul and glorify God. It is a song of gratitude and praise to Jesus, who never leaves us nor forsakes us. It is also a song of testimony and encouragement to others who may be facing challenges or trials in their lives. By downloading this song, you will be able to listen to it anytime and anywhere you want. You will also be supporting the artist and her ministry, which is spreading the gospel through music.

So, what are you waiting for? Download Nebazanga Yesu by Betty Muwanguzi today and experience the joy and peace that comes from knowing and trusting Jesus. You will not regret it. And don't forget to leave a comment below and tell us what you think of the song. We would love to hear from you.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about Nebazanga Yesu and Betty Muwanguzi:

Q: Where can I find more songs by Betty Muwanguzi?

A: You can find more songs by Betty Muwanguzi on her official website, , where you can also learn more about her biography, ministry, events, and contacts. You can also follow her on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, where she posts updates and videos of her songs.

Q: What does Nebazanga Yesu mean in English?

A: Nebazanga Yesu is a Luganda phrase that means I will not forget Jesus. It is the title of a gospel song by Betty Muwanguzi, which expresses her gratitude and praise to Jesus for all that he has done for her.

Q: How can I download Nebazanga Yesu for free?

A: You can download Nebazanga Yesu for free from some platforms and sources, such as YouTube, SoundCloud, among others. However, you need to be careful and avoid downloading from unauthorized or illegal sites that may harm your device or violate the artist's rights. You also need to respect the artist's work and support her by buying or streaming her songs from legitimate platforms and sources.

Q: How can I sing along to Nebazanga Yesu?

A: You can sing along to Nebazanga Yesu by following the lyrics and translation of the song that are provided in this article. You can also watch the video of the song on YouTube, where you can see the lyrics on the screen. You can also practice your Luganda pronunciation by listening to how Betty Muwanguzi sings the song.

Q: How can I share my feedback or testimonies about Nebazanga Yesu?

A: You can share your feedback or testimonies about Nebazanga Yesu by leaving a comment below this article or on the platform or source where you downloaded or streamed the song. You can also contact Betty Muwanguzi directly through her website or social media platforms and let her know how the song has blessed you. 44f88ac181

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